Completed Projects

Title Topic
detail Effects of Walnuts on Endothelial Function in Overweight Adults with at Least One Factor of Metabolic Syndrome Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Effects of Walnut Consumption on Endothelial Function in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Controlled, Cross–Over Trial Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Community Health Profile (CHP) Community;Program or Product Development
detail Effects of Fruit and Nut KIND Bars on Endothelial Function in Overweight Adults Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Effects of Acute and Sustained Ingestion of Cocoa on Endothelial Function in Adults with BMI between 25-35 kg/m2: A Randomized, Single Blind, Placebo Controlled, Trial Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Effects of Juice Plus+® Supplementation on Endothelial Function in Overweight Men: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Effects of Juice Plus+® Supplementation on Endothelial Function in Insulin Resistant Adults: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Effects of Egg Ingestion on Endothelial Function in Hyperlipidemic Adults: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Randomized, Crossover Study of Endothelial Function Responses to Acute and Sustained Egg Consumption in Healthy Subjects Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Endothelial Function in Response to Sustained Consumption of Soy Protein and Lecithin by Healthy Post-Menopausal Women Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Phytoestrogen & Raloxifene EFfects on Endothelial Reactivity (PREFER): Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Randomized Crossover Trial of Raloxifene versus Soy Phytoestrogens on Endothelial Reactivity in Healthy Post-Menopausal Women Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Raloxifene on Endothelial Reactivity in Healthy Post-Menopausal Women Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Oats, Antioxidants, and Endothelial Function in Insulin Resistant Adults Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Acute Nutrient Effects on Endothelial Function: A Randomized, Single-Blind Crossover Trial in Healthy Adults Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Coronary Risk Factor Screening and Behavior Change in Women Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail At-Home Exercise Regimen for Outcome Benefit in Congestive Heart Failure (AEROBIC) Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Assessment of Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio as a Stable Lab Value for Hospitalized Patients: Changes in Lipid Levels (CLIPS) Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Connecticut WISEWOMAN Project Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
detail Valley CARES (Community Assessment, Research, and Education for Solutions) Community
detail Drug-Free Communities Support Program Evaluation Evaluation Services
detail Healthy People 2010 Microgrant Initiative Community
detail Examining Community Partnerships for Prevention Research Community
detail Exploring Massage Benefits for ARthritis of the Knee (EMBARK) Complementary & Alternative Medicine
detail IVMT for Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Pilot Study Complementary & Alternative Medicine
detail Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) Outcomes Research Project (CORP) Complementary & Alternative Medicine
detail Homeopathic Treatment for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder CORP** Pilot Study
detail A Retrospective Cohort Study of Modified Citrus Pectin for the Prevention of Metastases in Prostate Cancer CORP** Pilot Study
detail A Massage Therapy Intervention for Osteoarthritis of the Knee CORP** Pilot Study
detail A Yoga Intervention for Adults with Mild to Moderate Asthma CORP** Pilot Study
detail Meditation and Massage in End of Life (MIEL) Complementary & Alternative Medicine
detail Photovoice: A Tool for Community Empowerment and Action Community;Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Systems Approach to Diabetes Prevention and Management Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Health Advocacy for Diabetes Prevention Community;Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Novel Interactive Cell phone technology for Health Enhancement (NICHE) Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Chromium Effects on Insulin and Vascular Function in People at Risk for Diabetes Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Partners Reducing Effects of Diabetes: Initiatives through Collaboration & Teamwork (PREDICT) Diabetes / Insulin Resistance;Faith-based
detail A Health Literacy Program to Improve the Prevention of Diabetic Foot Disease in African-American Communities Diabetes / Insulin Resistance
detail Wellness Initiatives For Improved Tomorrows (WINFIT) Health Promotion & Wellness;Program or Product Development;Worksite Wellness
detail Automated Guidance Tool for Medical Encounters Addressing Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (AuGMEnT) Health Promotion & Wellness
detail Enhancing School and Community Engagement in Physical Activity and Nutrition Nutrition / Diet;Physical Activity;School-based;Training Services
detail Overall Nutrition Quality Index (ONQI) Nutrition / Diet;Program or Product Development
detail Evaluation of a Diet Rich in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) on Reduction of Visceral Fat in the Abdomen: A Pilot Study Nutrition / Diet
detail Nutrition Detectives / ABC for Fitness: Nutrition and Physical Activity Education for Elementary School Children Nutrition / Diet;Physical Activity;School-based
detail Health Promotion in the New Haven Public Schools (2007-2009) Nutrition / Diet;School-based
detail Nutrition Navigation on-Line Edge (NnoLEDGE) Nutrition / Diet
detail Understanding the Determinants of and Barriers to Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Multi-Ethnic, Adult Populations Nutrition / Diet
detail Online Weight Management Counseling for Healthcare Providers (OWCH) Obesity / Weight Management;Program or Product Development
detail Maine Obesity Primary Prevention Project Obesity / Weight Management
detail A Pilot Study of Chromium Picolinate for Weight Loss Obesity / Weight Management
detail United Way Obesity Prevention Program Obesity / Weight Management
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