VITAHLS Timeline

YEAR 8: 2018-2019 School Year

  • A Valley Community Foundation grant helps the PRC and school partners find ways to better identify and manage chronic health conditions among K-12 students.
  • Mini-grants help schools provide children’s yoga, pedometer-based PE lessons, intramural sports, floor hockey equipment, fitness testing equipment, and kinesthetic pathways.

YEAR 7:2017-2018 School Year

  • Valley Health Challenge campaign shares weekly health promotion messages with students.
  • Surveys and interviews with administrators and staff in four school districts help the PRC to determine the perceived impact of the VITAHLS initiative.
  • Mini-grants help schools provide cooking classes, walking clubs, active recess, movement-promoting classroom equipment, fitness equipment, and a student fitness competition.
  • Focus groups elicit K-12 students’ opinions about school breakfasts to be shared with school food service managers and school district administrators.
  • Naugatuck Public Schools joins the VITAHLS initiative.
  • Physical activity videos are produced by a team of high school students, led by their physical education teachers, to help incorporate student exercise into the school day.
  • Healthy cooking classes sponsored by the PRC and Valley YMCA are offered to 70 children from Naugatuck Valley communities at a YMCA Summer Day Camp.

YEAR 6:2016-2017 School Year

  • Focus groups elicit K-12 students’ opinions about school breakfasts to be shared with school food service managers and school district administrators.

YEAR 5:2015-2016 School Year

  • Naugatuck Public Schools joins the VITAHLS initiative.
  • Physical activity videos are produced by a team of high school students, led by their physical education teachers, to help incorporate student exercise into the school day.
  • Healthy cooking classes sponsored by the PRC and Valley YMCA are offered to 70 children from Naugatuck Valley communities at a YMCA Summer Day Camp.

YEAR 4:2014-2015 School Year

  • Your Road to Health nutrition program for middle school students is revised and expanded.
  • VITAHLS Family Cookbook is produced using recipes from the Annual Healthy Cooking Challenge.
  • Student wellness club is formed at Derby High School, with a PE teacher serving as advisor.
  • Couch to 5 K training is provided to staff in one school district through a partnership between the PRC and the Valley YMCA.

YEAR 3:2013-2014 School Year

  • VITAHLS newsletter and social media are launched.
  • NuVal Nutritional Scoring System is piloted and evaluated in additional schools.
  • Your Road to Health nutrition program for middle school students is developed and pilot tested in schools.
  • School gardens are created at six schools with the help of Massaro Farms and FoodCorps, and PRC funding.
  • Annual Healthy Cooking Challenge takes place for the first time in 4 school districts.
  • Student focus groups elicit students’ opinions of videos designed to promote healthy eating.
  • Teacher nutrition workshop focusing on skill-building and a cooking demo/tasting is offered to school staff from VITAHLS school districts.

YEAR 2:2012-2013 School Year

  • NuVal Nutritional Scoring System is piloted to help high school students “trade up” for foods with more health benefits.
  • Massaro Community Farm begins to sponsor field trips and healthy food demonstrations for students.
  • Cooking Matters program is piloted in fifth grade classrooms in one school district.
  • Healthy dessert cooking competition is hosted by Griffin Hospital featuring culinary arts students from Emmett O’Brien Technical High School.
  • VITAHLS fundraising events are sponsored by the Jones Family Farm and Griffin Hospital.

YEAR 1:2011-2012 School Year

  • VITAHLS initiative begins with invitations to Lower Naugatuck Valley districts/schools to work together to reduce childhood obesity and improve learning.
  • Fall Kickoff event is held at Ansonia High School for Valley educators and other community members.
  • Nutrition Detectives program is taught for the first time in elementary schools.
  • ABC for Fitness Program is offered for the first time in elementary school classrooms.