Benefits to School Districts
- Gaining access to new information and resources
- Cultivating new skills through professional development
- Networking and learning from peers
- Forming new collaborations with other school districts
- Linking with community organizations
- Increasing the emphasis on student wellness
- Receiving ideas and guidance to improve staff wellness
- Receiving “mini-grant” funding directly from the PRC
- Learning about other available grant opportunities
- Leveraging the partnership to obtain funding from other sources
- Receiving equipment and assistance to set up school gardens
- Having an enhanced ability to address important issues
- Making a greater impact through shared efforts
Resources for Schools
PRC Programs and Resources
The Yale-Griffin PRC has developed a variety of programs, each of which can be downloaded free of charge. Our programs are designed for the following target audiences:
- Elementary school students
- Nutrition Detectives
- ABC for Fitness
- Upper elementary school students (Unjunk Yourself)
- Middle school students (Unjunk Yourself, Your Road to Health)
- High school students and adults (A-B-E for Fitness)
- School staff (A-B-E for Fitness)
Other Selected Resources
- Recipes for Healthy Kids: Cookbook for Child Care Centers | Food and Nutrition Service
- The Edible Schoolyard Project
- Choose MyPlate |
- Farm to School Program (USDA)
- Food and Nutrition Information Center |NAL|USDA
- Child Nutrition Sharing Site (Institute of Child Nutrition)
- Resource Library | Food and Nutrition Service
Physical Activity
- Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activity Breaks
- GoNoodle Physical Activity Videos
- The Association between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic
School Gardens
- The Edible Schoolyard Project
- Whole Kids Foundation – Resources – School Garden Resource Center
- School Garden Curriculum | UGA Extension
- School Garden Resources: Getting Started | UGA Extension
- School Garden Resources: Evaluation | UGA Extension