Below is a list of the programs and other activities that the VITAHLS partnership has inspired or supported since its inception.
- Nutrition Detectives™ program
- NuVal™ nutrition rating system in cafeterias
- Farm field trips
- Cooking Matters cooking education series
- Annual healthy cooking competitions for students
- Parent newsletters with healthy recipes
- Food Fight nutrition education teacher workshop
- Funding for school gardens
- Your Road to Health nutrition education curriculum
- Student recipe cookbook
- Community cooking program at YMCA summer camp
- Professional development workshop for Pre-K teachers and staff
- Smarter Lunchrooms cafeteria improvement
- Mini-grant projects:
- Cooking education for students
- Farm field trip
Physical Activity
- ABC for Fitness™ classroom physical activity breaks
- “Biggest Loser” staff weight loss competition
- “Couch to 5K” staff program
- Walk-a-thons, walk-to-school days
- Mini-grant projects:
- Morning walking clubs
- Student fitness competition
- Recess equipment upgrade
- Fitness center equipment upgrades
- Kinesthetic classroom equipment
- Yoga program for elementary school PE
- Pedometer-based lessons for elementary school PE
- Kinesthetic pathways