REALIST REVIEW: What Does it Take for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention/Lifestyle Management Virtual Interventions to Work among Low-Income Communities?

Title:REALIST REVIEW: What Does it Take for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention/Lifestyle Management Virtual Interventions to Work among Low-Income Communities?
Topic:Community;Diabetes / Insulin Resistance;Health Promotion & Wellness;Nutrition / Diet;Physical Activity
Funding Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Funding Period:2020-2023
Study Design:Realist review of published literature
Purpose:Concurrent with our core research project, a team led by Associate Research Scientist Amber Hromi-Fielder, PhD, MPH is conducting a realist review of published research articles on Type 2 diabetes prevention/ lifestyle management interventions in low-income communities. The purpose of this review is to determine how, why and in what circumstances diabetes prevention programs (DPPs) delivered virtually can effectively improve diabetes risk factors among adults with lower incomes. The team will search for articles on: (1) diabetes prevention and lifestyle management programs, (2) virtual services, and (3) community health workers (CHWs), and will then look for areas of overlap between these topics to help address these questions. Adults with lower incomes are at increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, but face barriers to participating in programs to help reduce this risk. Virtual services have been proposed as a way to reduce these barriers. Although they’ve been found effective in improving diabetes self-management among adults in general, less is known about their effectiveness in preventing diabetes in adults with lower incomes.CHWs can serve as a critical link to providing health services to these adults. Research has been published on virtual delivery of DPPs, and the roles of CHWs in diabetes prevention. However, there is a gap in knowledge concerning the role of CHWS in the virtual delivery of DPPs. The realist review is intended to help fill in this gap.
Further Study Details:Realist reviews, unlike traditional systemic reviews, are not intended to locate every published paper. Rather, searches become refined as the conceptual framework guiding the search is continually improved.
Eligibility:Journal articles that meet criteria for selection as established by the Realist Review team.
Evaluation:The team will search for published articles on three research topics and look for areas of overlap between these topics to help address our research questions. See “Purpose” for more details.

Changed at:4/12/2023 4:17 PMChanged by:Christian Meagher
Created at:1/5/2021 9:07 AMCreated by:

CORE RESEARCH PROJECT: Improving Health in Low Income Communities – Virtual Delivery of a Diabetes Prevention Program Facilitated by Community Care Coordination

Title:CORE RESEARCH PROJECT: Improving Health in Low Income Communities – Virtual Delivery of a Diabetes Prevention Program Facilitated by Community Care Coordination
Topic:Community;Diabetes / Insulin Resistance;Nutrition / Diet;Physical Activity
Funding Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Funding Period:2019-2024
Study Design:Implementation Science Research
Purpose:The risk of diabetes is higher among low-income populations. The progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes can often be prevented through lifestyle interventions. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is among the best-studied lifestyle interventions. However, people with low incomes often face barriers to engaging in the DPP when offered in traditional settings. Providing digital online access to the DPP – combined with personally tailored guidance and care coordination – might improve participation, engagement, and outcomes.
Further Study Details:This study will assess the feasibility and health impacts (behavioral and cardio-metabolic outcomes) of implementing a virtually-delivered Diabetes Prevention Program (vDPP) – facilitated by community health workers or hospital-based community nurses –among low-income adults at risk for type 2 diabetes.  It will identify and address barriers to participating in evidence-based lifestyle programs.  The study will take place in New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley of Connecticut.Specific Aims:Conduct formative research (focus groups, interviews with key stakeholders, and a small pilot study) with community partners to assess community, systemic, technological, and structural level barriers to implementing a v-DPP.In collaboration with community partners, use strategies identified in Aim 1 to maximize impact of the v-DPP in target communities, as evidenced by measures of Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance; and assess factors influencing RE-AIM outcomes, such as social determinants of health, demographic variables, and self-efficacy.Demonstrate improvements in diet quality, physical activity, body weight, and blood pressure, in low-income adults at risk for type 2 diabetes who participate in a v-DPP facilitated by community-based care coordination.Collaborate with community partners to develop and implement a strategic approach to sustain the v-DPP benefits through community-based care coordination in the study communities; and then disseminate the model to other communities.
Eligibility:Adult residents of New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley of CT who are eligible for Medicaid and at risk for type 2 diabetes.
Evaluation:See “Specific Aims” above

Changed at:12/21/2021 12:48 PMChanged by:
Created at:3/27/2020 2:52 PMCreated by: