Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Access among Black and Latinx Communities in Connecticut

Title:Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Access among Black and Latinx Communities in Connecticut
Topic:COVID-19 Vaccine
Funding Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Funding Period:2021-2022
Study Design:Mixed-method approach using qualitative and quantitative research
Purpose:The Prevention Research Network (consisting of 26 PRCs across the U.S.) was utilized to disperse supplemental CDC funding for rapid-response efforts to inform effective solutions to improve uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. The Yale-Griffin PRC’s efforts were intended to improve vaccine uptake in New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley, especially among Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latinx residents.  COVID-19 vaccination rates had been disproportionately low among Black and Latinx people in CT, despite the fact that their age-adjusted COVID-19 death rates had exceeded those of their White counterparts. Our primary objective was to co-design and implement behavioral change interventions to increase confidence in, access to, and equitable uptake of COVID-19 vaccines among residents of these communities.
Further Study Details:We conducted this project in partnership with the Community Alliance for Research & Engagement (CARE). It built upon work focusing on vaccine hesitancy and communication that CARE had been conducting with Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) grant supplemental funding from the CDC.In collaboration with our community partners, our project activities included: conducting listening sessions and surveys with community residents and vaccine providers to (1) understand the beliefs, perceptions, and perceived risks/benefits that influence confidence in the vaccine, and (2) identify key barriers and facilitators to vaccine access;creating and revising a Program Implementation Pathways (PIP) diagram, with feedback from community partners, to guide us in assessing and identifying critical quality control points to address levers for change at the individual, health department, and health care systems level;developing culturally-appropriate strategies with community partners to increase confidence in the vaccine and address barriers to its delivery;using feedback loops to improve and refine vaccine promotion messages, message delivery, and other strategies to promote uptake.
Findings:In New Haven:Formative research in collaboration with governmental, clinic and community partners identified a shared need for increased collaboration and an increased need to provide the community with standard messaging.The PRC then designed, implemented, and evaluated an Outreach Worker Training program with modules on: COVID-19 prevention and vaccination education; influenza prevention and vaccination education; health communications; and conducting outreach in the field. Attendees of the training program reported increased confidence in conducting vaccine-related community outreach and showed the greatest gains in knowledge about: (1) why the COVID-19 vaccine was developed so quickly, (2) the COVID-19 mRNA technology; and (3) responding to misinformation and hesitancy.The PRC also designed, implemented, and evaluated a Vaccine Clinic and Outreach Collaboration Tool. It included details about outreach and mobile vaccine events, e.g., organization, date, location, type of outreach, description of event, flyer, and a request for partner support.  The Tool was widely used, with seven partner organizations entering 442 vaccine clinics and outreach events from December 2021 through August 2022. Partners reported using data from the Tool to strategically coordinate partner outreach in ensuring equitable services among priority neighborhoods They said that use of the Tool enhanced a broader sense of trust and collaboration across the partnership.In the Lower Naugatuck Valley:Griffin Hospital administrators and community partners expressed a shared need for a communications toolkit through which partners serving children, parents/guardians, and adults in general could download and distribute messages promoting vaccines for children ages 5-11 and booster vaccines.We applied theoretical frameworks to create a COVID-19 Messaging Toolkit with flyers and social media images designed to foster behavior change regarding vaccine uptake among our populations of focus. We initially shared the toolkit with our partners via a link to Canva (an online software program that allows customization of documents). We found limited uptake of the initial Toolkit by our partners, partly due to perceived barriers related to the need to: (1) create a Canva account to access and customize the flyers and images, and (2) download and complete an online survey to track usage of the Toolkit. In addition, our partners requested a Spanish translation of the Toolkit, and a greater representation of diverse audiences in the flyers and images.We subsequently revised the Toolkit to address the feedback from our partners, which led to improved uptake of the revised Toolkit.Overall:The role of the Yale-Griffin PRC as an organization and resource for COVID-19 vaccine communications through this project led to additional partnerships that expanded beyond our original geographic range, enabling the PRC to expand its public health impact.
Eligibility:Residents of  New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley, especially persons who identified as Black/African-American, Hispanic/LatinxCOVID-19 vaccine “providers” (community-based providers, clinicians, community health workers, and vaccine outreach workers involved with COVID-19 vaccine promotion and delivery) in New Haven and the Lower Naugatuck Valley
Evaluation:Our formative research included the listening sessions, surveys, and PIP diagram. We applied an implementation science research framework to test the effectiveness of interventions co-developed with community partners.

Changed at:4/12/2023 4:32 PMChanged by:Christian Meagher
Created at:12/21/2021 12:46 PMCreated by:

COVID-19 Booster Vaccination in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis

Title:COVID-19 Booster Vaccination in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
Topic:Multiple Sclerosis;COVID-19 Vaccine
Funding Source:The Connecticut Department of Public Health’s Biomedical Research Trust Fund
Funding Period:2021-2022
Study Design:Prospective, randomized study
Purpose:Certain medications prescribed to persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) may suppress their immune systems and reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. This study will test whether adding a booster dose of one of three currently available COVID-19 vaccines to persons with MS on immune-suppressive medications can improve their immune response to COVID-19. Two of the vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are mRNA vaccines, while the third (Johnson & Johnson) is a DNA vaccine.This study is designed to:determine immune response by testing for the spike protein antibodies to COVID-19 after receiving a booster of either an mRNA or a DNA vaccine;test whether receiving the same vs. different type of vaccine for a booster – relative to the type of vaccine received initially – is more likely to produce an immune response;test whether certain MS medications are more or less likely to affect response to a booster vaccine;test whether the levels of lymphocytes (T or B cells) and total antibodies affect the likelihood of a response to a booster vaccine.
Further Study Details:Study participants will be randomized to receive a booster dose of either a homologous vaccine or a heterologous vaccine. This means the Johnson & Johnson vaccine if they originally received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or vice versa.At the first visit, participants will provide information on their medication history and course of their MS, undergo a neurological evaluation, have a blood sample taken, and receive a booster vaccination. At the second visit 4 to 6 weeks later, they will respond to questions regarding their booster vaccine experience and state of their MS, and will have a blood sample taken.
Eligibility:We plan to enroll up to 60 adults with MS. They must meet the following criteria:have completed an initial course of one of the three vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson);have tested negative for CovID-19 spike protein antibodies after vaccination;are willing to receive one of the three available vaccines as a one-shot booster;women of child-bearing potential must not be pregnant.
Evaluation:Outcome measures include: • percentage of participants who test positive for COVID-19 spike protein antibodies following a booster vaccination; • comparison of percentage of participants who test positive for COVID-19 specific spike protein antibodies between those who receive homologous vs. heterologous boosters. from baseline; • comparison of percentage of participants who test positive for COVID-19 spike protein antibodies based on disease modifying treatment; • correlation of COVID-19 spike antibody presence and levels based on B and T cell subsets and overall immune globulin levels.

Changed at:12/21/2021 12:54 PMChanged by:
Created at:12/21/2021 12:44 PMCreated by: