A Pilot Study to Evaluate Nutrition-Based Cooking Workshops in a Faith-based Setting

Title:A Pilot Study to Evaluate Nutrition-Based Cooking Workshops in a Faith-based Setting
Topic:Cooking/Culinary Arts;Faith-based;Nutrition / Diet
Funding Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Funding Period:2014
Purpose:Since churches and other faith-based organizations serve people who may be less readily accessible through healthcare venues, they could serve as ideal settings for health promotion. Their kitchens could serve as a resource in offering hands-on training in preparing healthful meals.
Further Study Details:We pilot-tested a set of four healthy cooking workshops with 10 members of two church congregations. The goals were to improve knowledge, skills, and efficacy in preparing and serving healthful foods. Each two-hour workshop was taught by a professional chef, incorporated nutrition information, and focused on four to five recipes prepared using a team approach. We conducted a focus group to determine program feasibility and acceptability.
Findings:Participants appreciated being able to try new recipes, learn food preparation tips, try special cooking equipment, and sample the foods. While they enjoyed tasting several food dishes in each workshop, some felt they missed out on the opportunity to practice preparing all the dishes, since each team was assigned a different recipe.  Many felt they did not need to know the nutritional content of a recipe, as long as it was healthful. With regard to sustainability, participants felt that their own church budgets lacked adequate funding to cover program costs, and that charging a fee might be appropriate if affordable.  
Eligibility:Members of two local church congregations

Changed at:3/2/2017 8:02 AMChanged by:Lisa Seaberg
Created at:3/2/2017 8:02 AMCreated by:Lisa Seaberg