Title: | Healthy People 2010 Microgrant Initiative |
Status: | Completed |
Topic: | Community |
Funding Source: | US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) |
Funding Period: | 10/01 12/03 |
Purpose: | The goals of this project included: establishing a demonstration project to assess the utility of distributing small grants for promoting Healthy People 2010 objectives; evaluating the effect of the micro-finance mechanism applied on prevailing measures of community mobilization and capacity building; and development of documentation to support efforts for national replication. |
Further Study Details: | The Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center (PRC) was one of two organizations across the country selected to develop and pilot a national microgrant initiative. In May 2002, the PRC awarded a total of 103 microgrants (in the amount of $2010) through a competitive application/selection process to community-based organizations/agencies throughout Connecticut to support health promotion and disease prevention activities that address the national goals of Healthy People 2010. This funding was made available with the goal of developing a national model for engaging local organizations to improve the health of their communities. Technical assistance was provided to all grantees during the year-long funding period; an end-of-year colloquium was held in March 2003 to encourage networking and information sharing among community agencies. |
Findings: | Microgrants were determined to be an effective way to promote Healthy People 2010 and broaden the scope of non-traditional agencies such as faith-based and civic organizations working to achieve these goals. |
Eligibility: | Nonprofit organizations (i.e. community organizations and groups, schools, faith-based organizations, civic groups) serving or residing in the lower Naugatuck Valley (Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton), Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford, CT. |
Changed at: | 1/18/2011 5:35 AM | Changed by: | Judy Treu |
Created at: | 8/31/2010 9:50 AM | Created by: | Griffin Hospital |