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Title:Connecticut WISEWOMAN Project
Topic:Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
Funding Source:Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH)
Funding Period:10/00-9/01
Purpose:The Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center assisted the Connecticut Department of Public Health in the development of an assessment and counseling tool for the Well-Integrated Screening of Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) program.
Further Study Details:This tool was used to counsel women enrolled in the WISEWOMAN program on reducing risk factors for cardiovascular disease, with a particular focus on promoting physical activity and healthy dietary practices.
Findings:The results support the notion that the revised Dietary Risk Assessment is a reliable and valid dietary assessment tool. The revised Dietary Risk Assessment has the potential to screen for risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases and to provide effective counseling for heart disease prevention for Connecticut WISEWOMAN participants.
Eligibility:To qualify for this study, you must:

Changed at:1/18/2011 5:24 AMChanged by:Judy Treu
Created at:8/31/2010 9:40 AMCreated by:Griffin Hospital