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Title:Community Health Opportunities Organized with Schools at the Epicenter (CHOOSE)
Topic:Community;Nutrition / Diet;Physical Activity;School-based
Funding Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Funding Period:2014-2019
Study Design:Varies, depending on individual interventions to be conducted as part of CHOOSE
Purpose:CHOOSE was the Yale-Griffin PRC’s core research project during our 2014-2019 five-year cycle of funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose was to use a multi-level approach in schools and other community portals to improve diet quality and physical activity in children and adults. The CHOOSE project was designed to serve as a model template for other academic / community partnerships to promote healthy lifestyles in communities, using schools as the primary intervention portal, complemented by health promotion strategies utilizing other community portals.
Further Study Details:The overall CHOOSE intervention was conducted as four projects using complementary portals to reach different segments of the target community. For more information, please refer to each separate portal-based project shown below:Primary school-based intervention portal – Valley Initiative to Advance Health and Learning in Schools [VITAHLS]Worksite portal – Fruit and Vegetable Prescription ProgramOnline portal – Physical Activity Resource Guide (Active Valley CT)YMCA portal – Community-based Cooking Classes for Children
Eligibility:Varied, depending on the project
Evaluation:Varied, depending on the project

Changed at:3/27/2020 3:59 PMChanged by:
Created at:3/1/2017 3:19 AMCreated by:Lisa Seaberg