HomeAssessment of Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio as a Stable Lab Value for Hospitalized Patients: Changes in Lipid Levels (CLIPS)
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Assessment of Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio as a Stable Lab Value for Hospitalized Patients: Changes in Lipid Levels (CLIPS)
Cardiovascular Health / Endothelial Function*
Funding Source:
The Griffin Hospital Medical Education Library Fund
Funding Period:
10/99 10/01
Study Design:
Prospective trial
To assess whether the total cholesterol/HDL ratio remains stable during and after hospitalization as compared to total cholesterol and the remainder of the lipid profile.
Further Study Details:
Early treatment of hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) has been shown to provide benefit; however, total cholesterol is known to vary with acute illness, delaying treatment decisions around the time of hospitalization. A total of 61 patients admitted to Griffin Hospital, an acute care community hospital, with various admitting diagnosis participated in this study to assess changes in lipid profile values. Participants had lipid profiles done at admission, on day 3 of hospitalization (or upon discharge whichever occurred first), and again 4 weeks after discharge.
In patients hospitalized with various diagnoses, lipid profile values varied significantly during and after the hospital stay, while the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL remained stable. This ratio may serve as a reliable predictor in the early diagnosis and treatment of abnormal cholesterol levels in hospitalized patients.
Male and female patients, between the ages of 30–85 years, admitted to Griffin Hospital and not taking lipid-lowering medication.