
Nutrition Detectives™

Teaching Kids to Make Healthy Choices

Available in English or Spanish!

This 90-minute program offers elementary school children “5 clues” to read food labels and detect marketing deceptions, while learning to identify and choose healthful foods. It includes a presentation (choice of an interactive PowerPoint or a video demonstration), followed by a hands-on activity to apply “detective” skills with real food packages. It is most appropriate for children in grades 3 and 4.

Tips and Flyers to Promote the Programs to Schools

Teacher Training PowerPoint

This overview can be followed by showing either version of the program presentation materials (PowerPoint and/or video)

Program Presentation Materials

There are twp presentation options available:

  1. PowerPoint slide show –allows the instructor to interact with the audience
  2. Video presentation – shows the program developers teaching students in a “magical” classroom

Program Manuals

Teacher’s Manual

Video Manual (Supplement to Teacher’s Manual)

Supplemental Educational Materials (Optional)

Handout or Poster: 5 Clues for Nutrition Detectives

Family Edition: Educational Booklet

Family Assignment: Use the 5 Clues in Your Kitchen

Supplemental Promotional Materials (Optional)

These are templates for materials that you can arrange to on your own

Evaluation Instrument (Optional)

This “Food Label Literacy for Applied Nutrition Knowledge” (FLLANK) assessment tool is also known as the “Food Label Quiz.”

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